Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turtle in Paradise Review

Turtle In Paradise

We talked about this Newbery honor in class--we watched the trailer (which was WEAK) and discussed that I wasn't exactly anxious to get reading this book.  Well, I picked it up on Sunday and managed to finish it that same evening.  Needless to say, it was a quick read.  I neither loved nor disliked the book. Overall, here's what I thought:
The plot had a fast pace which I enjoyed.  The characters were interesting and entertaining.  I always like a historical fiction, and this book was unique being set in the Great Depression in Key West.  

After reading, I did wonder what did all of the "experts" find so marvelous that deemed this novel Newbery material.  It turns out they all raved about the characterization and beautiful prose.  

My thoughts-B+

That being said, I am very curious what you all will think.  Remember, I am some old lady reading it ;)
You hip youngsters might have a whole new perspective.
Pick it up and let me know what you think.
Mrs. N.


  1. I can't wait to read it!

  2. Sounds pretty good, Mrs. N. Can't wait to read it!

  3. Mrs.N you are not old at all and this book does not look like my type of book but I might try it.

    Sophia G


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